CAGC Convention Goers Donate Over $30,000 for BYC in Just 3 Days


CAGC Convention Goers Donate Over $30,000 for BYC in Just 3 Days


Inspired construction workforce development support instigated a spontaneous and very generous donation contest at the recent Carolinas AGC 97th Annual Convention. Thirty-five individuals and CAGC member firms donated over $30,000 in just three days—a testament to the support our industry demonstrates to help solve the workforce shortage issue in North and South Carolina. CAGC members made the donations in honor of their college of choice—and it didn’t hurt that our President and CEO (and chief cheerleader) Dave Simpson agreed to wear the cheerleader uniform of the winning school at the CAGC Summer Summit if donations met the $20,000 goal. And met they did! We’re still taking donations to vote for your school. Carolinas AGC members are part of the solution to this issue and we see their passion every day. For information please call Roddy Craft, BYC Director, at (704) 995-3901.