Congrats to the BYC Biltmore Experience Raffle Winner, Mike Hall of Hall Contracting Corporation!

January 27, 2020:  Build Your Career recently held an end-of-year holiday fundraiser raffle online where our members and supporters had the opportunity to purchase tickets to enter a raffle drawing for a chance to win a fabulous customizable Biltmore experience valued at $1,550.  Up for grabs in the BYC holiday fundraiser raffle as the prize was a $1,250 gift card …

CAGC’s Bill Stricker works onsite for hall contracting!

Earlier this month, Carolinas AGC Vice President of Operations and Workforce Training, Bill Stricker, had the opportunity to work onsite for the day for one of our long-standing CAGC member firms, Hall Contracting. This fun-packed day was the result of a winning bid made by Mike Hall, President and Owner of Hall Contracting, at our 2019 CAGC Annual Convention where BYC hosted …